Simple Tricks to Success: Kevin Modany Pens Leadership Tips That Can Apply to Every Industry


Born and raised in Indiana, Kevin Modany operates his business with decades of experience in executive management, strategic planning, and M&A fields. Leveraging these skills, Modany has made a name for himself as the Managing Director at BlueRock Partners.

An executive consultant and thought leader on the subject, Kevin Modany, sat down to discuss how difficult it is for new and experienced CEOs alike to find footing in today’s competitive business world.

To help alleviate some of the stress of operations in executive leadership roles, Modany highlighted what he thinks are the most important steps to take.

Becoming the Best Leader Possible

In order to become the best leader possible, Modany suggests that people take an inward look at who they are and what they want to accomplish in their position. New CEOs will step into the role with junior-level experience and perhaps a strong background in technical expertise. However, once in the leadership role, they must operate with purpose.

Working With Passion

Modany suggests that new leaders work to cultivate a personal passion so that their work stands out to the people surrounding them. Executives who are passionate about certain areas of their work will show it to those that they engage in, giving motivation and inspiration while uplifting the goals of the company. Leaders who do better by taking a longer look at the bigger picture will do better by hiring senior executives to get into the nuts and bolts of the operations.

Guiding With Charisma

Business leaders looking to leave an impression will want to do so by adopting a distinctive leadership style. Kevin Modany suggests that it is important for executives to define their professional persona so that it can meet the needs of the situation before them. Modany urges leaders to take a long look in the mirror while performing a top-down leadership assessment.

Look at motivations, strengths, and weaknesses before assessing the correct leadership style to match. Kevin Modany has also considered himself fiercely honest and forthright in how he interacts in the workplace, something that has become part and parcel of his distinctive leadership style.

Modany says, “If you ask me a question, I will give you an answer. I don’t believe in anything other than being honest and forthright.”

The executive at Bluerock Partners went on to add, “Sometimes it’s painful, but you’ve got to be truthful. That’s the way I am, and that is the way that I have always been.”

Encouraging and Innovating

Finally, Kevin Modany urges executives to guide their teams toward taking the initiative while still providing guidance along the way. Modany believes in providing guidelines to his teams so that they may maintain their core focus and direction while also leaving them free to pursue their own goals. Modany doesn’t believe over-regulation and micromanagement can help lead companies toward long-term success and innovation.